The term Consensus can be known to be a system whereby decisions are been established by a widespread agreement among the particular group members. It can furthermore be expounded to be a general agreement among the members of a given group or community, each of which exercises some discretion in effective decision-making and follow-up actions.
If you do notice as the year goes by, you’ll come to realise that this is what numerous projects need in times like this so that concise structures can be raised and standards set for the furtherance of projects with great potentials and adequate generation of wealth through their help in collective and sound decision making. This had to be expounded because numerous projects that were doing excellently well in times pasts in trying to use their technologies and innovations to actually make sure that the blockchain or DeFi space is one to look at in the nearest future have failed along the line. The major being that the ability for two or more like minds coming together to make some certain sound decisions that will bring the project to limelight were not set in place or just couldn’t find a way to work together effectively.
If it doesn’t have the ability for these same people to come together and make certain decisions to aid in the furtherance of that project with respect to the project goals, values and visions then there is a loophole that needs to be filled up. The best part of it all is that this is what SynAssets Consensus Network has put in place in conjunction with their goals so that all consensus participants can be given the equal right to have a voice in decisions on matters that pertains to the growth of the project and also make sure that they take their consensus participants decisions into consideration.
The SynAssets project is one that has sufficient liquidity. Following this sole objective, SynAssets have launched their long awaited Consensus Network so as to bring together a lot of Consensus participants together that is to say, a group of people with like minds that will help out in the growth of the project in visions actualisation and growth in wealth through collective decision making. In addition to that, all these SynAssets Consensus participants are given free access to Consensus rewards and some juicy incentives as they steadily invite more and more consensus users so as to put more smiles on their faces and encourage them also. Moreso, the limiting part to those who are not part of the SynAssets Consensus team is that they’ll not be able to carry out the SynAssets Initial Dex Offering (IDO) and even Bonds in SynAssets except through an invitation code.
The SynAssets Consensus pool rewards are generated from 10% of each of their additional tokens authorised by the Treasury. Furthermore, these rewards are comfortably distributed every eight hours and this distribution becomes very effective and efficient based on the SynAssets network power, the amount of rewards in the consensus reward pool where rewards will be taken from to pay the consensus participants, and even the percentage power of any of the consensus participants that invites new users. Adding to that, you need to also have it at the back of your mind that all the consensus participants can apply for their rewards in the consensus network pool without any hitches because you might want to bring up the frequently asked question which is how you are going to get your rewards after all the work you did with invites inclusive.
Another interesting concept about SynAssets Consensus Network is that your computing power is dependent on your number of increasing and consistent invites you have. Adding to that, it also diminishes with time if there is no consistent invites. A user’s computing power can be seen as his/her ability to invite large number of people to become consensus participants consistently and frequently. Take for instance, you earn over 300 computing power for inviting one person, then if you don’t do this for like 10 days or so, your computing power will decline over time and can even get to 0 power. So for you to be on the top of your game in your computing power capabilities, you need to be consistent in inviting new participants and on time.
All good projects have the best interest of their users at heart. So on that note, SynAssets have set up a structural strategy that will help their participants not to worry whenever it looks as if their rewards are being delayed. This structural strategy states that if any participant does not get his/her rewards from the consensus reward pool after 3 days max, the system that allocates rewards to all participants will be kept on hold untill your reward problem is rectified this is because SynAssets project believes in you and sees the decisions you make and your contributions as a stepping stone always for the enlargement of the project.
So in conclusion, I advise that you do well to come on board with a project just like SynAssets, an adequate liquidity project that is 100% capable of giving no access to liquidation risks and also gives room for all your decisions to count, make sure that you don’t have any issue while benefiting from their consensus plan easily because through your consensus partnership, the furtherance and growth of the SynAssets project is very inevitable.
For more information and steady updates about the SynAssets Consensus Network, how to join the Consensus plan so that you can become a partner and getting your invitation computing power on the high and beneficial level, do well to reach out to us through the following links below:
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@SynAssets